BMI Calculator
BMI Calculator - Body Mass Index
The BMI calculator is an effective instrument that can tell if you are obese, underweight, or just right. Your weight alone is not enough to be able to tell the difference, since tall, thin men could easily weigh more than women who are short, but not grouchy. BMI, also known as the body mass index or BMI can solve this issue by calculating the ratio between your body weight and your height and then returning one number. This number will fall into an area on the scale of BMIranges that can be defined as underweight, normal, overweight and obese.
To determine the body mass index by yourself, and what the number signifies for you, you'll require to know the following:
- How to calculate BMI.
- What's the normal BMI.
- What are the various BMI ranges are.
How to calculate BMI
First, let's cover the equation:
- Then divide your body weight (in kilograms) per your tallness (in meters).
- Divide the answer by your height and again for your BMI.
So the formula for body mass index is as follows:
BMI is weight / height2
Normal BMI
Our BMI calculator is a piece of cake for you to figure out your exact BMI. But, remember that BMI is an estimate of a certain amount. It can be untrue for people who are strong (such as bodybuilders) as well as for those who have lost a significant amount of muscle (such in the case of elderly people).
If you're unsure whether or not your body is between your "normal" range of muscle mass, it is recommended to use one of our more specialized calculators. A body fat calculation will pinpoint your percentage of body fat. Likewise, our lean body mass calculator will give you an estimate of how much you'd weigh with no fat.
BMI ranges
There are five basic ranges within the BMI scale:
- Underweight = less 18.5
- Normal weight equals 18.5 - 24.9
- Overweight = 25 - 29.9
- Obesity = 30 - 35
- Severe obesity = 35 or more
It's called the BMI Prime can be described as a useful variation to our BMI calculator. It's a decimal number where 1.0 is the top of within the "normal BMI" range. It's a great way to see if you're overweight or not. When your BMI Prime is greater than 1, then you've got some extra weight to shed.
Making use of our body mass index calculator
In the upper right-hand corner of the BMI calculator are fields that allow you to enter your dimensions and bodyweight. Plug in these values and you'll have your BMI the same as it's BMI (see above) (see above) and a message that will tell you which category you fall in.
If you're overweight and wish to know what you'll need to lose to move into your healthyrange it is possible that you can also do it. Place your height and weight in the boxes where they are, and type "0.9" into the BMI Prime box. The weight you put in and BMI will be adjusted automatically.
Tip: If your height box is adjustable as you alter other boxes, you'll be required to secure it. Select the right-hand panel of the box. Select the lock icon. This will secure that number in place as you play around with the figures in other boxes. This is... until you're planning on growing taller!
Other aspects
If you're interested in knowing whether your metabolism is working for you in the pursuit of being at a healthy weight, check out the basal rate of metabolic calculator (or its version with the Harris-Benedict equation). We frequently hear about factors increasing or decreasing our metabolism (which one does skipping breakfast does again?) but we don't hear much about tracking these changes. This calculator is for.
The basal metabolic rate of your body is the activity level of your body's metabolic rate when you get up in the morning. That is when you are the most accurate time of the day for assessing your metabolism, as the day hasn't had time to get warm!
Once you know how to calculate BMI, the next logical figure to know is your ideal weight. Make use of the ideal calculator for weight to work this quickly.
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